Room Parents

Room Parents play a valuable role in supporting the classroom and the Underwood community. As Room Parents, we ask that you help in four ways:

  • Teacher Partnership: Room Parents are asked to meet with the classroom teacher to understand the classroom needs, projects, and associated volunteer opportunities
  • Volunteer Recruitment: It is our hope that all Underwood parents volunteer their time to support at least one classroom activity or fundraiser each year. As Room Parents, we ask for your help to recruit & coordinate parent volunteers for classroom events & projects, as well as for PTO fundraisers. Note that volunteer opportunities do not only occur during school hours, so there are plenty of ways for parents working outside of the home to get involved!!
  • Creative Arts and Sciences Coordination: The PTO raises funds to pay for the enrichment programs provided to each classroom through the Creative Arts and Sciences (CAS) program.  Presenters typically include award-winning authors, accomplished musicians, artists, and poets, and the Museum of Science Boston and the Discovery Museums of Acton. Room parents act as the coordinator between the visiting program and the class as directed by the CAS Chair.
  • Community Building: Room Parents can help strengthen the Underwood community by encouraging attendance at Underwood events and fundraisers. We ask that you support the school’s effort to foster an open and inclusive environment for all parents and students.

If you are interested in being a Room Parent for your child’s classroom please contact our Room Parent Coordinator Hai Ly Burk at!