Helpful Links
What is Safe Routes to School?
Underwood is part of a citywide effort to significantly reduce traffic around our schools.
How you can help:
- Walk as often as you can. Walking often takes less time than getting the kids in the car, buckling up and driving to school, especially if you need to come through one of the busy intersections near school.
- Walk together with friends, taking turns walking.
- Help launch a walking bus from your neighborhood.
- Find a route for older children that they can walk with buddies.
- If walking isn’t going to work, then consider the benefits to everyone of a carpool which is at least saving 50% on gas and removing one car from the school path.
- For tips on teaching your children pedestrian safety, please visit the National Safe Routes To School website.
Everyone making even small steps has the potential for a big gain. Thank you!
Safety Requests
If you have a specific safety request regarding the walk or bike to school, here are a few ways you can reach out:
- Submit a request to Newton 311
- Contact your Underwood Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Hai Ly Burk
- Contact the citywide Newton Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Jenn Martin
- Contact your local elected officials