Dear Fifth Grade Families,
As you know, our 5th Graders are graduating this year from Underwood and plans are well underway to prepare for this huge milestone.
5th Grade families are responsible for raising funds for these important right-of-passage events:
- The Moving On Ceremony
- The 5th Grade class gift to the school
- The final class gifts to the 5th Grade teachers
- The 5th Grade year-end party for our kids to celebrate together
Everyone is busy, so instead of having several fundraisers, we now request direct donations from families to cover the expenses associated with making this such a fun and memorable part of your child’s last year of elementary school.
We hope to receive donations from at least half of our 5th Grade families. We know families have other financial obligations, but we hope you will consider the 5th Grade Moving On Activities Fund this year as part of your charitable donations. In order to move on with our planning it is necessary that all contributions come in no later than Monday, March 16th.
All donations are tax-deductible under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our tax-exempt organization number is 22-2562184. The form for contributing is below.
Contributions can be made online with a credit card or PayPal account at mentioning 5th Grade Graduation in the notes section, or by check (place it in the PTO mailbox in the school office or by giving it to your child’s teacher). Remember that many companies have matching programs for donations made to nonprofit organizations. Checks can also be mailed to:
Underwood PTO, 101 Vernon Street, Newton, MA 02458
Warmest regards,
Underwood School 5th Grade Class of 2020 Graduation Committee
Payment Options:
- Online with a PayPal Account: Visit to submit payment (please type “5th Grade Graduation” in the note field).
- Online without a PayPal Account: Visit to submit payment (please type “5th Grade Graduation” in the comment field).
- Payment via Check: Please submit payments via check to the PTO Mailbox in the School Office or mail to: Underwood PTO, 101 Vernon St., Newton, MA 02458.