Letter from Principal Smith: End of 2017/18 and Start of 2018/19

Dear Families,

It’s hard to believe that we have just over one week of school left in the 2017-2018 school year. The last day of school is Friday, June 22nd. Dismissal on that day will be at 12:00 PM. As we have in past years, we will hold a clap out for our fifth graders as they exit the building for the last time. Parents are welcome to line up at the main entrance to the building to join the clap out.

Dates for the 2018-2019 School Year
Looking ahead to next year, class lists will be sent to families on Friday, August 24th and the First Day of School is Tuesday, September 4th. Please also mark your calendars with our Visitor’s Day, which will be held on Thursday, August 30th. All students and their families are invited to join us from 2:00–2:45 PM to visit classrooms, meet next year’s teacher, and reunite with classmates.

The annual Back to School Picnic will be held on Thursday, September 13th. This a fun family event held early in the year for parents/caregivers to connect and students to play and spend time with classmates. Curriculum Night, which is an evening for parents to visit classrooms and hear about the goals, expectations, and curriculum of the grade level their child is in, will be held on Thursday, September 27th.

Staffing Update
Anna Wheeler will join the Underwood team next year in the role of music teacher. Anna is currently the music teacher at Brewbaker Primary School in Montgomery, AL. Prior to that, Anna taught music in Beaufort, SC. She has a Master’s degree in Music Education from Boston University and is looking forward to joining the Underwood Community when she relocates to the Boston area later this spring. Anna comes highly recommended and the interview committee was impressed by her energy, passion, and clear ability to connect with students.

Summer Reading
At this time of year many parents begin to wonder what they can do over the summer to help their child maintain skills learned during the academic year. One of the most valuable things parents can do all year long is read with their child and encourage their child to read “just right” books. To promote reading this summer, our literacy coach compiled book lists (shared below) with current, high-interest titles.

As this is our final newsletter of the year, I want to take the opportunity to wish all of our families a wonderful summer. Enjoy the long days, warm weather, and slower pace. Thank you for your continued support and please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance to you.

Kathleen M. Smith, Principal