All Underwood community members are invited to join (virtually) the Newton SEPAC and Georgetown professor and disabilities studies scholar Jennifer Natalya Fink, author of All Our Families: Disability Lineage and the Future of Kinship, for a presentation about her book and work, with Q&A to follow. In All Our Families, Professor Fink examines why disability is often described as “a tragedy, a crisis, or an aberration” rather than an ordinary — 1 in 5 people have a disability — and a necessary feature of a healthy, vibrant society. All Our Families explores the roots of ableism ingrained in society, including efforts to eradicate disability and systemic inequities at the heart of our care economy, and advocates for “a reclamation of disability as a history, a culture, and an identity.” All Our Families urges all of us to embrace our disability lineage and build more genuinely inclusive communities in the process.
We hope you’ll join us on the 22nd. Please note that those interested in purchasing a copy of All Our Families can do so using the links and discount code provided below.
Join us on Zoom – January 22nd at 7:30 pm: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82952474787
Meeting ID: 829 5247 4787
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,82952474787# US (Chicago)
+16469313860,,82952474787# US
Use code SPRING20 starting January 17 at beacon.org for 20% off the hardcover or paperback (which releases in March). Offer valid while supplies last. Limit one discount code per person. Valid for one transaction. Discount code is not redeemable for cash, is non-transferable and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount. Valid on beacon.org. US mailing address required. Expires 07/31/2023.