Please join us via Zoom on Wednesday, March 30 at 7pm for a Panel Discussion co-hosted by the Newton North and Newton South FORJ chapters entitled Freedom to Read: Addressing the Banned Books Campaign. In light of current legislative efforts to ban books (and other legislative efforts to limit teachers’ abilities to teach concepts of anti-racism, inclusion, and social justice) we think it’s important to have an open discussion around what we want our students to learn. We are delighted to have on our panel Lorena Germán, an educator focused on antiracist and anti-bias work in education, and the founder of the groups #DisruptTexts and Multicultural Classroom. She is the author of The Anti Racist Teacher: Reading instruction workbook, and Textured Teaching: A framework for culturally sustaining practices. Please RSVP here to receive the zoom link at the email address you provide on the day of the event. READ MORE