Underwood PTO Welcome Packet

Welcome back to school! We hope your family had a happy and healthy summer and we are so excited to welcome our entire Underwood community back in person this year! We are looking forward to working with you and getting to know you this year through our roles with the PTO Board.

Please take a few minutes to read through this Welcome Packet with information about the following:

  • Upcoming Events
  • Room Parents
  • Underwood Directory via Membership Toolkit
  • Absence/Tardy Call Back System

As Underwood parents or guardians, you are all automatically members of the PTO!

Your willingness to participate and volunteer as you are able, given your unique family and work commitments, is paramount to the success, strength, and energy of our PTO and community. Our PTO Board and Committees are comprised of volunteers working throughout the year to organize and execute a wide range of fundraisers, community-building opportunities, and enrichment programming and we
are so appreciative of every minute the parent community at Underwood dedicates to our school.

Download the Underwood PTO Welcome Packet here.