1. What is your name? Jared Frank Owen
2. What is your role at Underwood? I teach Physical Education, Health, and Wellness
3. Where did you grow up? I grew up in a tiny town of about 2,000 people about 10 miles south of the Canadian border named Colebrook, NH.
4. What is your favorite Underwood tradition? It is very hard for me to choose just one. Color Day is very special to me because I plan and organize it and I love to finish out the year with a special day. I have also always really loved the spring auction where a student is “Mr. Owen for the Day.”
5. Do you have a favorite Spring activity? Golf! But, that is my favorite activity in any season.
6. Please share one piece of advice with the Underwood community. Let’s help “guide” our children towards a physical identity of their own. We want all kids to see themselves as happy, healthy movers for their entire lifespan, and what that looks like may be very different from one child to the next. Don’t be worried if your child doesn’t take to traditional athletic pursuits like soccer or basketball. Be firm on always having them pursue something physically challenging, but be flexible enough to let them lead the way towards what that might be – even if it’s something you don’t know anything about. We are very blessed to be surrounded by numerous resources for nontraditional athletics here in eastern Massachusetts (rock climbing, martial arts, fencing, rowing, archery, curling, etc.) that there is always something for everyone!
7. What’s your favorite color? It’s a toss up between green and blue.
8. What’s your favorite thing to have for lunch? Tacos, definitely tacos!