From Desk of Nurse Carrie – December 2021

Dear Underwood Families, Cold and flu season is upon us.  We can all help by keeping our children home when they are sick.  Not only does this help to diminish the spread of illness, it helps reduce negative outcomes for those who are more vulnerable and at greater risk for more serious symptoms when exposed to germs.   There are students at Underwood School who can react strongly if they are exposed to illnesses such as strep throat, influenza or respiratory infections.  When there is a known exposure for these students, we as a community can help minimize the health impact for them.  We are asking for your help with the following: Report diagnosed strep throat, influenza (flu), RSV and other respiratory infections to Nurse Carrie Students with strep throat may return to school after taking an antibiotic for at least READ MORE

Happy November from Nurse Carrie

The 2021-2022 school year has been underway for several weeks and I have enjoyed getting to know our new cohort of K – 5th graders. I wanted to reach out to all Underwood families and let you know how we can best partner with each other to meet the health and safety needs of our Underwood students. COVID 19: At Underwood (and throughout NPS) we continue to carry out the health pillars to prevent the spread of COVID 19.  These pillars include mask-wearing of students and staff, frequent handwashing, staying home when sick, high-quality ventilation in our school building, vaccination of staff, and 3 tiered testing of those who have opted in.   At Underwood, 85% of our students have opted in for testing. If your student is a close contact of a positive COVID case from an exposure outside of READ MORE

Health Updates from Nurse Carrie – June 25th, 2021

Happy Summer! We hope you are staying healthy and cool as we head into these next few months! Take care of yourselves and we’ll see you in the Fall! COVID-19 Vaccine: The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is authorized for people ages 12 and up. People 18 and older can get any currently authorized COVID-19 vaccine. You can find an available appointment at You can find more information about COVID-19 vaccines here. COVID-19 Safety: Although most COVID-19-related restrictions have been lifted in the state of MA, some restrictions are still in place. Be sure to pay attention to the current COVID-19 mask requirements and travel recommendations. Individual businesses may also have their own COVID-19 measures in place. You should still watch out for symptoms of COVID-19, especially if you’ve been around someone who is sick. If you have symptoms of COVID-19, READ MORE