Underwood PTO Events This Week!

Hello Underwood Families!

We’d like to share a couple of timely reminders with you:

TONIGHT! Monday, February 1st, 7pm

Superintendent Fleishman
 and a member of the Newton School Committee will meet with our community virtually on Monday, February 1st at 7pm to provide any updates, answer questions, and connect with Underwood parents and guardians. Please submit any questions to underwoodpto@gmail.com ahead of that evening and use the following link to attend:

Zoom Meeting Link

  • Meeting ID: 937 335 2198
  • Passcode: 956516
  • One tap mobile: +13126266799,,9373352198#,,,,*956516# 

Today through Friday 2/5 – FOUR MORE DAYS TO ORDER!

Valentine’s Day Duckies!
Send your child’s classmates and teachers some adorable Valentine’s Day Duckies! Order are available through Friday, February 5th! The mini-rubber ducks will be distributed to students and staff at pick up next week!, Don’t miss out and order via this form today!

Thursday 2/4 Underwood Night at Bertucci’s!

Pizza, pasta, kids meals, desserts and the Big Papi Bundle! You can order online https://order.bertuccis.com/menu/bertuccis-newton or via phone (617) 244-4900. 
FEBRUARY 2021 CODE: 272-414-507

Thank you!

Your Underwood PTO