Winter Walk and Roll

Winter Walk & Roll Week, February 8-12, 2021

    Newton is celebrating Winter Walk & Roll Week Feb 8-12. Participate in a
    way that works for your family – walk to school, to a park, or around your
    neighborhood or house.

Other ways to participate

  • Decorate a paper boot and hang it in your window. Look for other boots on your walks.
  • Play Winter Walk BINGO from Massachusetts Safe Routes to School or “I Spy”.
  • Practice Walking like a Penguin,

Tips for Winter Walking

  • Allow for extra time to get to your destination. Slow down and watch for ice.
  • Wear sturdy shoes or boots. Remember your hat, gloves and mask to stay cozy.
  • Dress in bright colors and add something reflective to be seen by drivers.
  • Walk like a penguin. Arms out for balance, feet apart with toes out, bend your knees, small steps, lean forward to keep your center of gravity over your front leg.